Copyright Laws

ll materials, sounds, images, texts and documents, commercial brands, and all other concepts that are displayed on this website are owned by Plastchim-T AD and can be used only with their exclusive permission under the protection of Copyright Laws.

The information on this website is not to be modified, copied, sold, published, transmitted, or distributed in any other way without the exclusive permission of Plastchim-T AD.

Any document or information that contains sounds, images, or texts from this website is not allowed to be sold or distributed for profit.

Plastchim-T AD does not accept any responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or penal losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise out of access to or use of this website.

All information published on this website is provided to the end-user ‘as if’ without any warranty of fitness of the sounds, images, or text for a particular purpose. Plastchim-T AD does not take any responsibility for damages or infection by viruses, arising out of access or use of this website, or downloading any documents, or copying any information that contains sounds, texts, or any other images from this website.

All information submitted on this website is not confidential and may be retained and used indefinitely and freely.